About me

Hi, my name is James Skeet and I'm from Belgium, Brussels.

My parents are from England and Holland, I started my education at the European School

of Brussels. And I graduated from the Top Sport school in Hasselt.

Fun facts about me is that I speak three languages and I have three dogs.

I started playing golf at the age of nine and started taking it seriously at the age of 12.

Since then I have only gotten more motivated, disciplined and serious about my craft.

At the age of 15 my family and I made the decision to send me to boarding school

so I could focus on golf and studies with out distraction and better guidance.

We also decided that going to America for University would be beneficial

for both my golf and education.

A showcase of my debut in the sport

I live and breathe

Improving my golf game and performance

to grow stronger

Memorable moments

Documenting my experiences and lessons learned on the golf course

Together we are stronger

My mentors of the game

Exploring new and exciting golf courses around the world

Reservations made, bags packed, let's go!

Get in Touch

I'd love to hear from you! Reach out to me for all your golf-related inquiries

or to just say hello!


Connect with me on social media!